Samira 2018-03-16 01:49:47
I am from Germany and in Japan for one year. Currently I looking for a cheap place to stay for the next few months in Kutchan or in Sapporo. Ideally close to eather of the Hospitals or close by a transport station. My budget is very low since I'm out of work for a little while. I had knee surgery 2 weeks ago, I don't need much, just some private space to do some rehabilitation. Thanks for the time and I appreciate any help I can get. Samira
The Niseko Supermarket & Deli (2018-03-16 06:51:35)
Hi Samira

Please email me I give you more details.


NisekoSnowFlake (2018-04-10 01:09:39)
Hi Samira
You can email me at