YUKINKO 2020-04-06 08:01:41
6LDKの一軒家を通年で借りたい方募集。 家具、寝具、調理器具等ついています。 6台駐車可能(夏期6台以上)。 倶知安のコープから徒歩5分。 月額家賃180,000円 さらなる詳細は pekopoko_55@hotmail.co.jp にご連絡ください。
BOMBAY-SIZZLERS (2020-04-07 06:42:54)
Hi there `

We tried sending email but its just bouncing back `

Is it possible to get more details and pictures for the house -

mail to - jimmykhemlani@gmail.com

Regards `
YUKINKO (2020-04-08 10:28:08)
Hi thank you for your interest. I emailed you so please check your inbox. Thank you!
chiedog (2020-06-15 06:02:00)
Hi there,
Can you send the google location of this place or address in Kutchan? I might be interested thanks. My email is james_chie@yahoo.com