tobyntobyn 2023-09-19 04:14:29

We are looking for long-term accommodation in Hirafu or Niseko for the entire Winter season (Nov-April).
We are both Kiwis on a working holiday visa. We are looking for either a room to share or a single room for myself.
My partner Alex has full-time instructor work lined up and has staff accommodation to fall back on. I work remotely so am trying to find a room in an apartment or sharehome for at least myself, but ideally for both Alex and me.
We are very excited for the upcoming winter season in Japan, with lots planned to do and see. We enjoy a tidy home, but also like to get to know the housemates and will share a beer at the end of a working day.
We can provide strong rental references if requested.
Please reach out if you have any questions, or know of any rooms going:)