aaron-lianne 2018-08-26 08:19:15
Hey guys ! Leaving it a bit late but if there's any accommodation left for a couple for the season ?? Lianne will be working in town and I will be travelling back and forth from Australia. We have spent the last few seasons staying in Kutchan so would prefer to be aorund there but we are open to anything this late !! Arigatou !!!
antzpantz (2018-08-30 10:04:41)
Hi Aaron and Lianne, I might be able to help you for a private room in a sharehouse in lower Hirafu. It is 150,000yen/mnth from 1 December to 31 March, all utilities included. Just send an email to achbbm@gmail.com if you are interested. Thanks.
kiyoniseko (2018-10-28 06:15:33)
Hi guys - have a house in Soga if you still looking. Email kiyoniseko@gmail.com if you'd like more info
yukidancer22 (2018-12-05 05:20:35)
Hi everyone!

If anyone has any leads or suggestions on accommodation they would be much appreciated! I'm a 27yo female skier, engineer, volleyball player who is in town through march on my first season! If you don't have any leads, no worries, I would love to meet and grab a beer or coffee or meet on the slopes! :)

Feel free to email at greta.schneider22 (gmail) or yukidancer (IG)

Hope to hear from you soon!
