eLovejoy 2008-12-02 21:24:16
[url=http://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/news/chiiki/132575.html]Original Article[/url] [quote]魅力掘り出し国内客誘致を 全日空 ニセコ地域と協定(12/02 14:22)  【倶知安】ニセコ倶知安リゾート協議会(NPB)と全日空は一日、町内のホテルで国内観光客誘致のための協力協定に調印した。来夏にも共同開発の旅行商品を販売する予定で、通年での長期滞在の集客を目指す。  北海道路線の集客強化につなげたい全日空とグループ旅行会社ANAセールスが、NPBの情報や助言を基に旅行商品を企画。道外の《1》シニア層《2》家族連れ《3》二、三十代の女性-などをターゲットに温泉や食、自然などのを組み合わせて幅広い価格帯で売り出す。  NPBのロス・フィンドレー代表理事は「協定により地元側も視野が広くなり、新たな魅力が掘り出せる」と期待。全日空の四十物(あいもの)実上席執行役員(兼ANAセールス社長)も「ニセコには食や四季折々の自然などの魅力がある。岩内や洞爺湖への周遊にもつながれば」と話していた。  NPBはニセコ地域の観光客誘致を図るため、昨秋に倶知安、ニセコ両町の官民で発足。アジアや欧州などでのPRに力を入れている。(内藤景太)[/quote] [url=http://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/news/chiiki/132575.html]Original Article[/url]
Chishiki (2008-12-03 07:16:17)
魅力掘り出し国内客誘致を 全日空 ニセコ地域と協定(12/02 14:22)

All Nippon Airways agrees to market Niseko area's charm to domestic market.


【Kutchan】In a local hotel, on the 1st of December, The Niseko-Kutchan-Resort-Kyougikai (also known as the Niseko Promotion Board or NPB ) signed an agreement with the aim of attracting more domestic tourists to the area. The intention is to jointly develop and travel products and packages to summer visitors and year-round long-stay visitors.


The ANA group is hoping to bolster its Hokkaido routes with the program using NPB's information, advice, and counsel to create travel packages targeting non-Hokkaido Japanese, in particular seniors, families, and women in their 20s and 30s. The sales points will be onsen, food, and nature.


Ross Findlay, NPB's director, expects that the agreement will lead to the locals broadening their point of view, and working to present the area's charm in new ways. Aimono-san, ANA's sales manager, said that Niseko has delicious food and beautiful nature with four distinct seasons that could be tied into other local tourist destinations such as Iwanai and Lake Toyako.


NPB was started in autumn of 2007 to help market the area in places like Asia and Australia.
Fetyukov (2008-12-03 11:29:25)
Funny, cause ANA are actually cutting flights to Hokkaido - http://www.japancorp.net/article.asp?Art_ID=19180

But at least they will offer good feeling about Hokkaido, even if they don't fly them here.