eLovejoy 2008-10-27 20:50:16
http://www.47news.jp/CN/200810/CN2008102701000175.html [quote]オーストラリアを中心に外国人スキー客が急増している北海道ニセコエリア。中心地の倶知安町では、今シーズンも2万人以上の外国人客を見込んでいたが、円高による「滞在費用の増加」を理由に旅行をキャンセルする動きが始まっている。 「状況が変われば客が戻ると信じている」。同町の大型ホテルの男性社長は願望を込めて話す。このホテルでは、冬の宿泊の約半分を外国人スキー客が占め、今シーズンも延べ1000泊以上の予約が入っていたが、既に約15%がキャンセルしてきたという。 建設ラッシュのコンドミニアムも客の減少を懸念し、オーナーは宿泊料の割引などを検討している。地元の観光関連団体で作るニセコ倶知安リゾート協議会は「政府は実効性のある円高対策を急いでほしい」と話す。[/quote] The Niseko area is known recently for the sudden increase in the number of foreign skiiers, in particular Australians. Kutchan, which lies in the heart of the area, had forecast over 20,000 visitors this season, but there are a growing number of cancellations that can be attributed to the increasing price of the yen. The president of a large hotel in Kutchan mentions that "I strongly believe that if the conditions change the guests will come." About half of this hotel's winter guests are foreign, and the hotel had already booked more than a thousand nights with foreign guests, but already about 15% of these have been cancelled. Condominiums are also seeing that the number of reservations is much smaller than projected, and owners are considering discounts and such. Kutchan's sightseeing group stated that they want to see the government intervene to halt the appreciation of the yen as soon as possible. http://www.47news.jp/CN/200810/CN2008102701000175.html
JD (2008-10-28 14:51:48)
[b]eLovejoy wrote:[/b]
[quote] Kutchan's sightseeing group stated that they want to see the government intervene to halt the appreciation of the yen as soon as possible.

Yeah I can see it right now. Minister of Finance Nakagawa talking to the Governor Shirakawa of the Bank of Japan.

Nakagawa, "I've got the head of Toyota saying they have just lost 300billion yen from currency fluctuations, Mitsubishi and Sumitomo balance sheets are running red and they are going to have to lay off 30,000 workers but hold that thought, because I just heard bookings are down 15% at a local business hotel in Kutchan"

Shirakawa" Well if bookings are down then we must intervene, I'll flood the money supply with cheap yen and deflate domestic asset values even further, err where's Kutchan again?"

Nakagawa " Err I think it's that place with all the bunkers"

Shirakawa" No I think that's Hirafu, isn't Kutchan full of potatoes"

Nakagawa " Yeah, something like that"