eLovejoy 2008-12-14 17:05:27
[url=http://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/news/topic/135087_all.html]Original Article[/url] [quote]警察官が24時間常駐する臨時交番開設 【倶知安】毎年、外国人スキー客でにぎわう後志管内倶知安町ひらふ地区に今冬、警察官が二十四時間常駐する臨時交番が開設される。 開設期間は二十二日から来年三月ごろまで。倶知安観光協会が運営する民間交番「ニセコひらふ安全センター」に間借りする形で、多い時で四人が駐在する予定。 昨年度、同町を訪れた外国人観光客は約二万四千人。今季は円高で外国人客の減少が心配されているだけに、関係者は「安心・安全は国際リゾート地の評価を高めるはず」と“制服効果”に期待している。[/quote] Police to man Hirafu Police Box 24/7 Every year, Shiribeshi's Kutchan-Hirafu area is bustling with foreign skiers, and this year it has been established that a Kutchan police officer will be stationed temporary police box 24 hours a day. The police box will be operated from 22nd December to March of next year. Operated as a "private" police box by the Kutchan Tourist Association, at times up to 4 people will be staffing it. Last year, about 24,000 foreign tourists visited the town. With the appreciation of the yen fueling fears of a decreased number of tourists this season, concerned parties expect that a safe resort complete with uniformed security will cause people to value the international resort more highly. [url=http://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/news/topic/135087_all.html]Original Article[/url] [img size=256]http://kutchannel.net/next/images/fbfiles/images/HirafuPoliceBox.jpg[/img]
digglar (2008-12-15 18:07:57)
Thats the tip of the iceberg mate- undercovers looking to make drug busts as well.
From the big city.

allriot (2008-12-15 18:42:41)
You serious digglar?

whoa best smoke my stash.....

They had a bust here last years? ago and a couple of locals got put away for a few months.
digglar (2008-12-15 19:54:59)
as many of these things- form is more important than function in Japan- but yep- from what i`ve garnered. Over the busy times.