H2Group 2022-04-04 06:43:28

The Human Resources Manager plays a critical role in driving workplace culture, conditions, standards and processes that make H2 a sensational place to work. The mission of this position is to make H2 Group the #1 preferred employer in Hokkaido.
This position is responsible for the effective management and performance of all Human Resources related activities, which includes talent management, succession planning, learning and development and training, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and health and safety initiatives.
【KEY TASKS include but not limited to following】
◼ Develop and monitor overall HR strategies, systems, tactics and procedures across the organization.
◼ Process all personnel actions including onboarding, new hire orientation, promotion/demotion, internal transfer, resignation/termination, etc., ensure all forms and database are properly processed, filed and updated.
◼ Develop and manage the recruitment and selection process. Keep improving recruitment activities’ efficiency, maintain candidate database properly.
◼ Keep close communications with division managers, support current and future business needs through the development, engagement, motivation and preservation of human capital.
◼ Administer bi-annual staff satisfaction survey, bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issue, nurture a positive working environment.
◼ Administer company compensation and benefits program, oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance.
◼ Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management.
◼ Assess training needs to apply and initiate training programs for both management and non-management employees.
◼ Provide administrative support to all HR activities internally (i.e., Visa application support for foreign employees, source and coordinate staff accommodation, etc.), and maintain good community relations externally.
◼ Proven working experience as HR Manager. Competence to build and effectively manage interpersonal relationships at all levels of the company.
◼ In-depth knowledge of Japan’s labor law and HR best practices.
◼ Excellent active listening, negotiation, and presentation skills. People oriented and results driven.
◼ Native level Japanese and proficient in English.
◼ Intermediate or above skills of MS office. Knowledge of HR systems and databases is a plus.
【Salary Range】
5,400,000 - 7,800,000 JPY per year(Depends on experience and Qualification)
If you are interested in joining please send your resume to careers@h2group.com.
◼ 関連部門および外部と協働しながら、より強い組織の実現に向けて、戦略的人事制度の構築(採用、評価、報酬、労務・人事管理、教育研修等)。
◼ 入社手続き、新入社員のオリエンテーション、昇進/降格、社内異動、勤怠管理、給与計算、入退社対応等労務業務のオペレーション管理。
◼ 年2回の社員満足度調査を実施し、要望、苦情、その他の問題に対処することで、経営陣と社員の関係を橋渡しし、前向きな職場環境を育成する。
◼ 社内の人事活動全般を管理面でサポート(外国人社員のビザ申請サポート、社員の宿泊先の確保・調整など)、社外では良好なコミュニティ関係を維持する。
◼ 人事マネージャーとしての実務経験があること。社内のあらゆるレベルの人間関係を構築し、効果的に管理する能力を有すること。
◼ 日本の労働法に精通していること。
◼ 書面および口頭でのハイレベルなコミュニケーション能力があること。
◼ 日本語がネイティブレベルであり、英語に堪能であること。
◼ Microsoft Office中級以上のスキルがあること。人事システムおよびデータベースの知識があれば尚可。
年俸5,400,000 ~ 7,800,000円(経験や資格による)