Foundgopro 2016-03-04 15:05:04
Found on March 4 just below the top gondola station. If it's yours, post the WiFi name or an image of your ski outfit here.
philturner (2016-03-12 01:37:15)
was the name philjt? blue/grey jacket black pants white and black buff? Cheers
Foundgopro (2016-03-12 03:22:00)
Sorry, different one. Good luck finding yours.
Grizz422 (2016-03-23 08:02:57)
Hey! Was it with a red jacket? Black pants snowboarding. Also have a bunch of videos with my family on it. The cover for the sub cord etc is also gone and the water proof case was broken. Hopefully it's mine! So many good memories on there
hellogopro (2016-03-23 23:22:35)
hello! is it of a guy snowboarding badly, dark green jacket - grey pants? *prays*
Foundgopro (2016-03-30 11:36:29)
Sorry crizz and hellogopro, it's not either of yours.

For reference, it was lost on March 4, the day I found it.
Grizz422 (2016-03-30 13:26:19)
Thanks Foungopro. I assume you know it was lost that day because there are videos from that day? Because I lost mine back on Feb 29th.

Anyhow, hopefully the owner tracks it down. You're a good person for trying to return it. Cheers!
hellogopro (2016-03-31 06:01:42)
We lost ours I think on the 3rd or 4th so had high hopes!

just to cross off bases - did the wifi have the letters "yy" or "inj"?