NisekoPetService 2022-03-18 01:17:07
ニセコエリアでペットシッターサービス始めました! ペットに関するご相談承ります。 LINE公式アカウントも始めました!お友達追加、ご予約はリンクからできます。 E-mailでのお問合せはnisekopetservice@gmail.comまで お気軽にお問い合わせください。 We have started a pet sitting service in the Niseko area! Convenient for times like below! ・I want to travel, but want to be taken care of at home, not in a hotel. ・I have a sudden business trip. ・Suddenly hospitalized due to injury or illness. ・I'm too busy with work to go for a walk. ・Pets get very car sick. I want to be taken care of at home. ・I need help caring for my pet. ・I want a sitter to play with your pets while I'm doing the activity. Please feel free to contact us at the following LINE URL or e-mail. Address: